Quick Guide to Basic Fencing Regulations

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Are you planning on building a fence soon? Before anything else, you need to know the proper fence local regulations to avoid having issues with your neighbours in the long run. Whether you’re building a fence to increase privacy and security, it will increase the aesthetic appeal of your home.

With this quick guide, you will learn the unwritten rules when building a fence. Following these simple steps will help you build a good relationship with your neighbours.

Check Your Local Rules and Regulations

Before you start building a fence, you should check the rules and regulations in your town or city. Most of the time, there will be style limitations. If you are also part of a homeowner’s association, you should check their rules as well.

Checking with your local government or HOA will help you prevent any building mistake that can cause delays or stress down the road.

Check With Your Neighbours

This is optional but can build good relationships with your neighbours. If you’re building a fence soon, it is a common courtesy to let your neighbours know. This is great because some fencing contractors may offer exclusive discounts for multiple fence installations.

Know Your Property Line

Of course, building a fence on a property that is not yours is illegal. You need to know your property line before deciding to build a fence. Failure to do so will cost you more money and time.

What you can do to determine your property line is to check your property plat. If needed, you can get a new copy from your city’s planning office free of charge. Another way is by hiring a survey crew to determine your exact property lines.

Keep Your Fence Well-Maintained

Fences require maintenance to keep them looking good. If your fence is not cleaned properly or repaired when needed, it will become an eyesore to your neighbours. To prevent having issues with your neighbours, you need to invest time and money in maintaining your fence.

If you choose to install a timber fence, you must be aware of the cost of maintaining it in the long run. Not to mention, it can be time-consuming too. If maintenance would be an issue, choose a low maintenance fencing material.

Choose a Reliable Contractor

Hiring a reliable and professional contractor means you will be able the finish your fencing project on time. This means you and your neighbours will not have to deal with aggravations and mess for a long time.

When installing a fence, you should be aware of the proper fence regulations to ensure that you keep a good relationship with your neighbours. Following our simple guide will make your fencing project stress-free and simple.

If you’re seeking the best fencing contractor, here at Hervey Bay Fencing, we offer high-quality fencing that stand the test of time. We offer a wide range of fencing options to boost the security in your home or increase your curb’s appeal.